Abstract submission and travel bursaries
The abstract submission is now open.
Abstract submission deadline extended : April 4th 2017 (last date)
Acceptation notification: April 17th 2017.
Several abstracts will be selected for short talks (10 min + 5 min questions) and keynotes (15 min + 5 min questions)
Short talks will be dedicated to young researchers!
Abstract submission is possible only after registration (payment can be made later)
The abstract must be sent to the following address:
Please provide your number of registration in your email.
Please see the guidelines below and the template of abstract.
Email template
Please send your email according to the following indications.
Object: psemeetinglille2017 abstract
First Name:
Last Name:
Postal address:
Second email (if necessary):
Number of registration (given at the end of your registration on line):
Status: student, PhD student, post-doctorate, faculty or academic researcher, industry researcher, other
Are you the presenting author (talk or poster)? Yes or No
On the other hand: precise the name of the presenting author among the authors of the abstract and his status.
Attach the abstract (Microsoft Word format: .doc or .docx) in your email.
Please indicate if you want your abstract to be considered for an oral presentation or a poster presentation.
Abstract template
Maximum abstract length is 2500 characters (including spaces).
Posters should be printed in portrait format with standard size (A0: 84.1 cm x 118.9 cm).
Each registered attendee may submit and present maximum 2 abstracts.
Abstract should fit on a single A4 according to following instructions (see also abstract template)
File format: Save abstract in Microsoft format under name file “Last name-date”.
Page margins: top 2.5 cm, bottom 2.5 cm, left 2.5 cm and right 2.5 cm.
Spacing: Use space between Title/Authors/Affiliations/Body text/Acknowledgments/Keywords/References.
Title: Short and descriptive, formatted green bold and left-aligned, Calibri 12 pt.
Authors: Authors should be listed as “First Name Last Name”, and left-aligned. Affiliations should be marked with superscript number (1, 2, etc.). Presenting author should be underlined. Calibri 11 pt.
Affiliations: Affiliations should be left-aligned and department, institute and country should be listed. Use superscript number (1, 2, etc.) and comma (,) to separate affiliations. Calibri 10 pt.
Body text: Descriptive including scientific context, short description of materiel & methods and some results. Body text should be justified. Calibri 11 pt. Use space between paragraphs.
Acknowledgments: left-aligned, italic, Calibri 10 pt.
Keywords: 5 words max in lowercase. Use semicolon (;) to separate words. Calibri 11 pt.
References: 5 references max with complete title and complete name of the journal. Calibri 10 pt. See abstract template.
PSE and Wiley travel bursaries
The PSE Committee and Wiley awards a number of travel bursaries to assist young researchers to attend PSE-sponsored conferences. Successful candidates are presented with:
- A certificate confirming the award during the conference.
- An award of usually €250.
The candidate must be a full-time student or post-doctoral researcher in their first postdoctoral position.
The candidate must make a contribution to the conference either in the form of a poster or oral presentation.
Preference will be given to candidates who have not previously received a PSE Travel Bursary.
Candidates must be members of the PSE.
Candidates must register and pay the registration fees before the deadline set by the organizers (April 15th 2017).
Candidates should send the application documents in electronic form to the Membership Secretary of the PSE as early as possible.
Information about the necessary documents, the application form, and contact details of the current Membership Secretary can be found on the PSE website (www.phytochemicalsociety.org), in the tab “Student prizes and Bursaries”.
A full application consists of:
(i). A curriculum vitæ (1 page)
(ii). An abstract of the proposed presentation
(iii). Proof of eligibility (letter, membership etc)
Items (i), (ii) and (iii) should be provided in electronic format.
See the file entitled “PSE-Symposium-Bursary”.
Successful applicants will be notified at least two weeks prior to the start of the conference.
Download PSE Symposium Bursary